For $20 a month, you will help provide a quality education for a child for an entire year.
In Ethiopia, 63% of children never make it past the 5th grade (UNDP). Because many live in poverty, they miss school to plow the family’s field, collect water, or work to bring in less than a dollar a day. In our local community school alone, 11% of the student population dropped out last year. It's time to change that. |
This is Mekedes and her family.
Mekedes missed much of first and second grade because she didn’t have the books, supplies, and uniform to attend. Her teachers would not allow her at school unless she had these materials, and she used to sit at home and cry. Her mother nearly sent her to live with relatives and work odd jobs for them, so she could attend the school in town.
Because of Three Roots’ sponsorship, Mekedes can stay with her family and has the materials she needs to attend the local school. Her mother is enrolled in a women’s saving group and hopes to start providing a sustainable income for her family. Over the long term, her mother’s goal is for her children to complete their education and to move from a grass hut to a steel rooftop home. Because of generous Three Roots supporters, Mekedes is dreaming about a brighter future because she can attend school, and her family has hope.
Without your help, students like Mekedes will not attend school.
Your gift will not only provide education for a child for the entire year, but it will also:
Increase Income
In developing countries, every additional year of education can increase a person’s future income by 10%. (UNESCO) |
Reduce Poverty
If all students in low-income countries left school with basic reading skills, 171 million people could be lifted out of poverty – a 12% cut in world poverty. (UNESCO) |
Prevent Child Marriage
If all girls had secondary education, child marriage would drop by 64%. (UNESCO) |
As a THRIVE Partner, you become a cornerstone of our work, providing the sustained support needed to maintain and expand programs on the ground. You will also receive: